Paradigm: Value-level
Value-level programming paradigm (also known as von Neumann style) represents the program as a sequence of values transformed into each other. The program execution starts with input values, transforms and combines them to obtain other values, and continues doing this until the desired result values are obtained. New values are constructed from existing ones using a predefined set of value-to-value operations.
This paradigm concentrates on the study of data types — values and elementary value-forming operations, their structure and properties. Usually value-forming operations form an algebra over the space of values.
Most of the modern languages use the concept of data types, variables and assignment statements, and thus implement this paradigm.
Value-level programming is the opposite of function-level programming.
- Ada
- B
- Baltie
- Basic
- bc
- Befunge
- Boo
- Brainfuck (dialects: Boolfuck, Braincopter, Brainloller, Ook!, Pi, Smallfuck, Spoon, Unary, pbrain)
- C (dialects: ANSI C, C11, C99, K&R C)
- C# (dialects: Cω, Polyphonic C#)
- C++ (dialects: C++03, C++98)
- Cat
- Ceylon
- Chef
- Dart
- ECMAScript (dialects: ActionScript, JavaScript)
- Euphoria
- F#
- Factor
- Forth
- Fortran
- gnuplot
- Go
- Grocery List
- Hanoi Love
- Icon
- Io
- Java
- Logo
- Lua
- Malbolge
- Nemerle
- Objeck
- Objective-C
- Oz
- Pascal (dialects: Extended Pascal, Standard Pascal)
- Piet
- Pike
- PL/0
- PowerShell
- Roco
- Rust
- S-lang
- Sanscript
- Scala
- Scratch
- Seed7
- Shakespeare
- Smalltalk
- Tcl
- Whitespace