gnuplot 4.2.2

Version of implementation gnuplot of programming language gnuplot

gnuplot 4.2.2 is an incremental bug-fix release that corrects one serious and one trivial bug present in gnuplot 4.2.1.

Fixes since gnuplot 4.2.1:

  • Axis labels were ignored in mode “set view map”
  • Candlesticks did not receive the border color specified in fillstyle


Factorial - gnuplot (42):

This example consists of two files: and to emulate loop through use of load, reread and if. Built-in factorial operator ! is used. Since return of ! operator has type real, function gprintf is used to remove trailing zeros after decimal point and decimal point itself.

print a, '! = ', gprintf("%.0f", a!)
a = a + 1
if (a <= 16) reread

#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
a = 0
load ""

Hello, World! - gnuplot (72):

#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
print 'Hello, World!'

Fibonacci numbers - gnuplot (186):

gnuplot provides no loops, and printing each number with a separate print command makes it appear on separate line, so a string variable res is used to accumulate the calculated numbers for printing after “looping”.

#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
i = 1
a = 1
b = 1
res = ''
load ""
print res, '...'

res = res . a . ', '
c = a
a = b
b = b+c
i = i+1
if (i <= 16) reread