gst 3.1
Version of implementation GNU Smalltalk of programming language SmalltalkA version of GNU Smalltalk, released in October 2008. Featured new packages (Swazoo, Seaside, ROE, Magritte, Cairo, SDL), IPv6 support, improved FFI, a new file system interface, remotely controllable virtual machine instances.
Hello, World! - Smalltalk (267):
'Hello, World!' printNl.
Fibonacci numbers - Smalltalk (268):
This example uses iterative definition of Fibonacci numbers,.
a1 := 0.
a2 := 1.
0 to: 15 do: [ :i |
a2 display.
t := a1 + a2.
a1 := a2.
a2 := t.
', ' display
'...' displayNl.
Factorial - Smalltalk (270):
Smalltalk provides built-in factorial method of class Number, so the example is really simple.
0 to: 16 do: [ :i |
i display.
'! = ' display.
i factorial displayNl
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