gst 3.1

Version of implementation GNU Smalltalk of programming language Smalltalk

A version of GNU Smalltalk, released in October 2008. Featured new packages (Swazoo, Seaside, ROE, Magritte, Cairo, SDL), IPv6 support, improved FFI, a new file system interface, remotely controllable virtual machine instances.


Hello, World! - Smalltalk (267):

'Hello, World!' printNl.

Fibonacci numbers - Smalltalk (268):

This example uses iterative definition of Fibonacci numbers,.

a1 := 0.
a2 := 1.
0 to: 15 do: [ :i |
  a2 display.
  t := a1 + a2.
  a1 := a2.
  a2 := t.
  ', ' display
'...' displayNl.

Factorial - Smalltalk (270):

Smalltalk provides built-in factorial method of class Number, so the example is really simple.

0 to: 16 do: [ :i |
  i display.
  '! = ' display.
  i factorial displayNl