MySQL 3.23.57

Version of implementation MySQL of programming language SQL

A version of MySQL.


Factorial - SQL (46):

Replace TABLE with name of any table you have access to, like mysql.help_topic.

select concat(cast(t2.n as char), "! = ",  cast(exp(sum(log(t1.n))) as char))
  ( select @i := @i+1 AS n
      from TABLE, (select @i := 0) as sel1
      limit 16 ) t1,
  ( select @j := @j+1 AS n
      from TABLE, (select @j := 0) as sel1
      limit 16 ) t2
 where t1.n <= t2.n
 group by t2.n

Fibonacci numbers - SQL (47):

Replace TABLE with name of any table you have access to, like mysql.help_topic.

select concat(group_concat(f separator ', '), ', ...')
from (select @f := @i + @j as f, @i := @j, @j := @f
        from TABLE, (select @i := 1, @j := 0) sel1
       limit 16) t

Hello, World! - SQL (15):

select 'Hello, World!';