Pike 7.8
Version of implementation Pike of programming language PikeA stable version of Pike interpreter, released on September 23rd, 2009.
Hello, World! - Pike (343):
void main()
write("Hello, World!\n");
Fibonacci numbers - Pike (344):
This example uses recursive definition of Fibonacci numbers.
int fibonacci(int n)
return ( n<=2 ? 1 : fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2) );
void main()
for (int n=1; n<=16; n++)
write(fibonacci(n)+", ");
Factorial - Pike (345):
This example uses recursive factorial definition. Note that int
data type is extended to bignum in case of overflow.
int factorial(int n)
return ( n<=1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n-1) );
void main()
for (int n=0; n<=16; n++)
write(n+"! = "+factorial(n)+"\n");
Quadratic equation - Pike (346):
void main()
int A = (int)Stdio.stdin->gets();
if (A == 0)
write("Not a quadratic equation.\n");
return 0;
int B = (int)Stdio.stdin->gets();
int C = (int)Stdio.stdin->gets();
int D = (B*B-4*A*C);
if (D == 0)
write(sprintf("x = %f\n",-B/2.0/A));
else if (D > 0)
write(sprintf("x1 = %f\n", (-B+sqrt(D))/2.0/A));
write(sprintf("x2 = %f\n", (-B-sqrt(D))/2.0/A));
write(sprintf("x1 = (%f, %f)\n", -B/2.0/A, sqrt(-D)/2.0/A));
write(sprintf("x1 = (%f, %f)\n", -B/2.0/A, -sqrt(-D)/2.0/A));
CamelCase - Pike (348):
This example implements character-by-character string processing. The only thing to note is that Pike provides no data type for characters. text[i]
would return an integer — ASCII-code of the corresponding character. To get i-th character as a string variable, one has to use text[i..i]
which is operation of extracting substring from a string.
void main()
string text = lower_case(Stdio.stdin->gets());
string cc = "";
int i, lastSpace = 1;
for (i=0; i<sizeof(text); i++)
if (text[i] >= 'a' && text[i] <= 'z')
if (lastSpace == 1)
cc += upper_case(text[i..i]);
cc += text[i..i];
lastSpace = 0;
lastSpace = 1;
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