Fibonacci numbers in Erlang

Example for versions erl 5.7.3

This example uses Binet’s formula to calculate Fibonacci numbers. The doubles have to be printed with at least one decimal digit, so the output looks like this:

1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 13.0, 21.0, 34.0, 55.0, 89.0, 144.0, 233.0, 377.0, 610.0, 987.0, ...

fib(0) -> ok;
fib(N) -> 
    SQ5 = math:sqrt(5),
    T1 = math:pow(0.5*(1 + SQ5),N),
    T2 = math:pow(0.5*(1 - SQ5),N),
    io:format("~.1f, ", [(T1-T2)/SQ5]).
main() ->