erl 5.7.3

Version of implementation Erlang of programming language Erlang

A version of Erlang implementation.


Hello, World! - Erlang (225):

First line notes that this module must be placed in file called prog.erl. Second line exports function main, of arity 0 (takes no parameters). Third line defines the function: all it does is output “Hello, World!”.

main() -> io:format("Hello, World!~n").

Factorial - Erlang (226):

This example uses recursive factorial definition. Note that Erlang has no built-in loops, so the example uses a recursive function which starts with larger values of N, but calls itself for N-1 before printing N!. loop(_) is a clause that defines evaluation of loop() when its argument is not an integer or is negative; it is necessary for a proper function definition.

-export([main/0, loop/1]).
fact(0) -> 1;
fact(N) -> N * fact(N-1). 
loop(N) when is_integer(N), N>=0 -> 
    io:format("~B! = ~B~n",[N,fact(N)]);
loop(_) -> ok.
main() -> loop(16).

Fibonacci numbers - Erlang (227):

This example uses iterative definition of Fibonacci numbers, expressed as tail recursion (each number is calculated only once).

fib(1,_,Res) -> 
    io:format("~B, ",[Res]);
fib(N,Prev,Res) when N > 1 -> 
    io:format("~B, ",[Res]),
    fib(N-1, Res, Res+Prev).
main() -> 

Fibonacci numbers - Erlang (228):

This example uses Binet’s formula to calculate Fibonacci numbers. The doubles have to be printed with at least one decimal digit, so the output looks like this:

1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 13.0, 21.0, 34.0, 55.0, 89.0, 144.0, 233.0, 377.0, 610.0, 987.0, ...

fib(0) -> ok;
fib(N) -> 
    SQ5 = math:sqrt(5),
    T1 = math:pow(0.5*(1 + SQ5),N),
    T2 = math:pow(0.5*(1 - SQ5),N),
    io:format("~.1f, ", [(T1-T2)/SQ5]).
main() ->

Quadratic equation - Erlang (229):

fread function can return several values: eof to mark that the input stream has ended, tuple {ok, value} if the read succeeded, and tuple {error, message} if it failed for any other reason. Thus, when a number is read, it has to be extra processed to stripe it of these things.

solve(A, B, C) -> 
    D = B*B - 4*A*C,
    if (D == 0) -> io:format("x = ~f~n", [-B*0.5/A]);
    true -> 
        if (D > 0) -> 
                SQ = math:sqrt(D),
                io:format("x1 = ~f~nx2 = ~f", [(-B+SQ)/2/A, (-B-SQ)/2/A]);
        true -> SQ = math:sqrt(-D),
                io:format("x1 = (~f,~f)~nx2 = (~f,~f)", [-0.5*B/A, 0.5*SQ/A, -0.5*B/A, -0.5*SQ/A])
main() -> 
    case io:fread("A = ", "~d") of
    eof -> true;
    {ok, X} ->
        [A] = X,
        if (A == 0) -> io:format("Not a quadratic equation.");
        true -> 
        case io: fread("B = ", "~d") of
            eof -> true;
            {ok, Y} ->
                [B] = Y,
                case io: fread("C = ", "~d") of
                eof -> true;
                {ok, Z} -> 
                     [C] = Z,
                     solve(A, B, C)