Quadratic equation in Prolog
Example for versions
gprolog 1.3.0
Conditional branching in Prolog is done via ;
and ,
predicates, which correspond to “or” and “and” logical operations. Evaluation starts with first branch (for example, check for A being 0 in line 3); all predicates separated with ,
are evaluated in row; if all of them evaluate to true, the whole program evaluates to true as well (and further evaluation stops), otherwise the next branch is evaluated.
is GNU Prolog extension, other implementations don’t have this predicate built-in.
q :- write('A = '),
( A = 0, write('Not a quadratic equation');
write('B = '),
write('C = '),
D is B*B-4*A*C,
( D = 0, write('x = '), X is -B/2/A, write(X);
D > 0, write('x1 = '), X1 is (-B+sqrt(D))/2/A, write(X1), nl, write('x2 = '), X2 is (-B-sqrt(D))/2/A, write(X2);
R is -B/2/A, I is abs(sqrt(-D)/2/A),
write('x1 = ('), write(R), write(', '), write(I), write(')'), nl,
write('x1 = ('), write(R), write(', -'), write(I), write(')')
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