Fibonacci numbers in Prolog

Example for versions B-Prolog 7.4 #3, gprolog 1.3.0, swipl 5.6.x

Once again, the example is almost identical to Poplog Prolog one, except for the syntax of compiling/consulting a file.

:- dynamic(stored/1).

memo(Goal) :-
    stored(Goal) -> true;
    Goal, assertz(stored(Goal)).

fib(1,1) :- !, write('1, ').
fib(2,1) :- !, write('1, ').
fib(N,F) :-
    N1 is N-1, memo(fib(N1,F1)), 
    N2 is N-2, memo(fib(N2,F2)), 
    F is F1 + F2,
    write(F), write(', ').

% interactive
fib(16,X), write('...'), nl.