
Dialect of programming language Brainfuck

Braincopter is a visual dialect of Brainfuck, almost identical to Brainloller. It was created in 2005 by Lode Vandevenne as well, and the only difference between these dialects is the way the colors of pixels are converted into Brainfuck commands.

To convert a pixel into a command, the R, G and B components of this pixel’s color in RGB model are taken, and a value (- 2 * R + 3 * G + B) % 11 is computed. This value is converted into Brainfuck commands using the following table:

  • + -> 2
  • - -> 3
  • > -> 0
  • < -> 1
  • [ -> 6
  • ] -> 7
  • . -> 4
  • , -> 5

Values 8 and 9 make instruction pointer turn clockwise and counterclockwise, respectively, and 10 is not-a-command value.

The reference set of Braincopter tools was lost until recently when it was re-uploaded by the author upon request.