SML/NJ 110

Version of implementation Standard ML of New Jersey (SML/NJ) of programming language Standard ML

Newest version of SML/NJ


Hello, World! - Standard ML (366):

print is a built-in function defined with the following type:

string -> unit

This means that it takes 1 string as a parameter, and returns the unit type, ().

print "Hello World\n";

Factorial - Standard ML (367):

This example shows the naive way to implement the factorial function. However, it is not tail recursive, since the recursive function call is not the only statement on the line. The ^ operator concatenates strings. The print function prints strings. The Int.toString function converts integers into strings.

fun factorial n =
    if n <= 1 then
      factorial (n-1) * n;

fun aux n =
  if n > 16 then
  else (
    print (Int.toString n ^ "! = " ^ Int.toString (factorial n) ^ "\n");
    aux (n + 1)
aux 0;

Fibonacci numbers - Standard ML (368):

This example uses straightforward recursive solution. The print function prints strings. The ^ operator concatenates strings. The Int.toString function converts integers into strings.

fun fibonacci n =
  if n < 3 then
    fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2)

fun aux n =
  if n > 16 then
    print "\n"
  else (
    print (Int.toString (fibonacci n) ^ ", ");
    aux (n + 1)
aux 1;

CamelCase - Standard ML (369):

val text = valOf (TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn);
fun capitalize s = let
  val (x::xs) = explode s
  implode (Char.toUpper x :: map Char.toLower xs)
val result = concat (map capitalize (String.tokens (not o Char.isAlpha) text));
print (result ^ "\n");