gprolog 1.2.12
Version of implementation GNU Prolog of programming language PrologA version of GNU Prolog, released on April 19th, 2002.
- fix two bugs with Ctrl+C reentrency under the top-level
- fix bug in decompose_file_name/4 (tried to modify read-only string)
- fix current_predicate bug, now current_predicate(nl/0) fails
- fix linedit bug in tab pasting and add Esc-Tab function
- now linedit goes to EOL at CR to fix bug with multi-line inputs
- fix a bug in wam2ma (hexa name creation overflowed malloc buffer)
New features and improvements:
- improve global vars (arg. selector, automatic array, new built-ins)
- added priority/1 option to write_term to specify starting priority
- now under the top-level, _XXX variables are not displayed
- now open/4 better detects if a stream can be repositioned
- add source reader facility (built-in) — not yet documented
- now linedit avoids to put in history 2 same consecutive lines
- remove max_stream limitation (the Prolog flag no longer exists)
- the template of get_print_stream/1 is now ?stream
- patch to allow more than 64Mb for the stacks under ix86/linux
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