Encyclopedia of Programming Languages progopedia.comhttp://progopedia.comNew languages at progopedia.comenSat, 20 Feb 2021 00:28:32 -0000NetChains http://progopedia.com/language/netchains/ <p>NetChains is a scriptable interface to the .NET framework. Commands are formed of phrases linked with double colons (::) to form a chain.<br /> Phrases fall under one of two types: Selection phrases start with a bang (!) and are used to specify the class in which the following phrases should execute. Access/Command phrases allow for member access/method calls within the selected class. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/netchains/Visual Basic (.NET) http://progopedia.com/language/VB.NET/ <p>&#8221;&#8217;Visual Basic&#8221;&#8217; (also &#8221;&#8217;Visual Basic .NET&#8221;&#8217; to distinguish from classical VB) is a programming language developed by Microsoft in 2001. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/VB.NET/PowerShell http://progopedia.com/language/powershell/ <p>PowerShell is a scripting language developed by Microsoft. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/powershell/R http://progopedia.com/language/r/ <p>R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/r/W http://progopedia.com/language/w/ <p>The W Programming Language is a simple programming language designed for speed of writing and readability. </p> <p>W was conceived in 2013 by Weston Sleeman after being frustrated by the complexity, overhead, and repetitiveness of most common languages, notably <a href="/language/c/">C</a> and <a href="/language/java/">Java</a>. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/w/Egison http://progopedia.com/language/egison/ <p>Egison is a functional programming language with the strong expressive power of pattern-matching. With Egison, we can express pattern-matching against a wide range of data types including multisets and sets. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/egison/Picat http://progopedia.com/language/picat/ <p>Picat is a logic-based multi-paradigm programming language with functional and scripting language features. </p> <p>Picat was created by Neng-Fa Zhou and Jonathan Fruhman. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/picat/Swift http://progopedia.com/language/swift/ <p>Swift was introduced by Apple at WWDC 2014 for development on Mac OS X and iOS. It is available on Xcode 6.0+ for iOS and Xcode 6.1+ for Mac OS X. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/swift/Dart http://progopedia.com/language/dart/ <p>Dart is an open-source Web-oriented programming language developed by Google. The ultimate goal of the language is to replace <a href="/dialect/javascript/">JavaScript</a> as the universal language for web development. </p> <p>For now, there are three ways to run Dart programs: </p> <ul> <li> compile to JavaScript using dart2js and run in any browser. </li> <li> run Dart code directly using Dartium &#8212; a version of Chromium with built-in Dart VM. </li> <li> use standalone Dart VM (shipped with Dart SDK) to run Dart code in command-line environment. </li> </ul> http://progopedia.com/language/dart/GAP http://progopedia.com/language/gap/ <p>GAP &#8212; programming language of GAP (Groups, Algorithms, Programming) computer algebra system. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/gap/