Encyclopedia of Programming Languages progopedia.comhttp://progopedia.comNew articles at progopedia.comenSat, 20 Feb 2021 00:28:38 -0000 Version FP trivia 20210108 http://progopedia.com/version/fp-trivia-20210108/ <p>FP trivia </p> http://progopedia.com/version/fp-trivia-20210108/ Example Fibonacci numbers - W (510) http://progopedia.com/example/fibonacci/510/ <p>REF &#8220;Runtime.IO&#8221; </p> <p>Item x = 1 Item y = 1 </p> <p>Type(x) Repeat 15 [ Type(y) Item z = x + y x = y y = z ] <br /> </p> http://progopedia.com/example/fibonacci/510/ Version W 1.1.0 http://progopedia.com/version/w-1.1.0/ <p>The W Programming Language: Version 1.1.0 </p> http://progopedia.com/version/w-1.1.0/ Example Hello, World! - NetChains (509) http://progopedia.com/example/hello-world/509/ <p>!Console::WriteLine(&#8216;&#8220;Hello, World&#8221;&#8217;) </p> http://progopedia.com/example/hello-world/509/ Version NetChains 2 http://progopedia.com/version/netchains-2/ <p>Version 2 of the official NetChains interpreter </p> http://progopedia.com/version/netchains-2/ Implementation NetChains http://progopedia.com/implementation/netchains/ <p>The standard implementation of NetChains from the official GitHub repo. </p> http://progopedia.com/implementation/netchains/ Dialect NetChains http://progopedia.com/dialect/netchains/ <p>The official interpreter from GitHub. </p> http://progopedia.com/dialect/netchains/ Language NetChains http://progopedia.com/language/netchains/ <p>NetChains is a scriptable interface to the .NET framework. Commands are formed of phrases linked with double colons (::) to form a chain.<br /> Phrases fall under one of two types: Selection phrases start with a bang (!) and are used to specify the class in which the following phrases should execute. Access/Command phrases allow for member access/method calls within the selected class. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/netchains/ Example Factorial - W (508) http://progopedia.com/example/factorial/508/ <p>Repeat 15 [ Item x = 1 Repeat # [ x = x * # ] Type(x) ] </p> http://progopedia.com/example/factorial/508/ Example Hello, World! - W (507) http://progopedia.com/example/hello-world/507/ <p>REF &#8220;Runtime.IO&#8221; Type(&#8220;Hello, World!&#8221;) </p> http://progopedia.com/example/hello-world/507/ Version W 0.0.1 http://progopedia.com/version/w-0.0.1/ <p>The initial release of the W compiler. </p> http://progopedia.com/version/w-0.0.1/ Implementation W http://progopedia.com/implementation/w/ <p>The official release of W. </p> http://progopedia.com/implementation/w/ Language Visual Basic (.NET) http://progopedia.com/language/VB.NET/ <p>&#8221;&#8217;Visual Basic&#8221;&#8217; (also &#8221;&#8217;Visual Basic .NET&#8221;&#8217; to distinguish from classical VB) is a programming language developed by Microsoft in 2001. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/VB.NET/ Example Fibonacci numbers - PowerShell (506) http://progopedia.com/example/fibonacci/506/ <p>function Get-Fibonacci ($n) { if ($n -le 1) { return 1 } return (Get-Fibonacci ($n &#8212; 1)) + (Get-Fibonacci ($n &#8212; 2)) } $output = &#8220;&#8221; foreach ($i in 0..15) { $output += (&#8220;{0}, &#8221; -f (Get-Fibonacci $i)) } echo &#8220;$output&#8230;&#8221; </p> http://progopedia.com/example/fibonacci/506/ Example Factorial - PowerShell (505) http://progopedia.com/example/factorial/505/ <p>function Get-Factorial ($n) { if ($n -eq 0) { return 1 } $fact = 1 1..$n | ForEach { $fact *= $_ } return $fact } </p> <p>foreach ($i in 0..16) { echo (&#8220;{0}! = {1}&#8221; -f $i,(Get-Factorial $i)) } </p> http://progopedia.com/example/factorial/505/ Example Hello, World! - PowerShell (504) http://progopedia.com/example/hello-world/504/ <p>Echo &#8220;Hello, World!&#8221; </p> http://progopedia.com/example/hello-world/504/ Version Windows PowerShell 5.0 http://progopedia.com/version/windows-powershell-5.0/ <p>Version of Windows PowerShell released on April 3, 2014. It is available as part of Windows Management Framework 5.0. </p> http://progopedia.com/version/windows-powershell-5.0/ Implementation Windows PowerShell http://progopedia.com/implementation/windows-powershell/ <p>Windows PowerShell is the main implementation of PowerShell language, developed by Microsoft and available on Windows platform. </p> http://progopedia.com/implementation/windows-powershell/ Language PowerShell http://progopedia.com/language/powershell/ <p>PowerShell is a scripting language developed by Microsoft. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/powershell/ Language R http://progopedia.com/language/r/ <p>R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/r/ Language W http://progopedia.com/language/w/ <p>The W Programming Language is a simple programming language designed for speed of writing and readability. </p> <p>W was conceived in 2013 by Weston Sleeman after being frustrated by the complexity, overhead, and repetitiveness of most common languages, notably <a href="/language/c/">C</a> and <a href="/language/java/">Java</a>. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/w/ Implementation Egison http://progopedia.com/implementation/egison/ <p>Egison is the native implementation of the Egison programming language. </p> http://progopedia.com/implementation/egison/ Language Egison http://progopedia.com/language/egison/ <p>Egison is a functional programming language with the strong expressive power of pattern-matching. With Egison, we can express pattern-matching against a wide range of data types including multisets and sets. </p> http://progopedia.com/language/egison/ Example CamelCase - Scratch (503) http://progopedia.com/example/camelcase/503/ http://progopedia.com/example/camelcase/503/ Example Quadratic equation - Scratch (502) http://progopedia.com/example/quadratic-equation/502/ http://progopedia.com/example/quadratic-equation/502/